Boris Johnson批评美国共和党人仰慕普京, 他称普京为“暴君”和“谋杀者”。 Boris Johnson criticizes US Republicans for admiring Putin, whom he calls a "tyrant" and "murderer."
英国前总理鲍里斯·约翰逊批评美国共和党在“财富”全球论坛期间与俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin)的“热血迷恋”, Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson criticized the US Republican Party for having a "homoerotic fascination" with Russian President Vladimir Putin during Fortune's Global Forum. Johnson将普京描述为“暴君、盗贼和杀人犯”, 对党对他的钦佩表示担忧。 Johnson described Putin as a "tyrant and a kleptocrat and a murderer," expressing concern about the party's admiration for him. 他警告说,如果乌克兰要倒台,会有危险,并指出,尽管特朗普在担任主席期间对普京很苛刻,但一些共和党人仍然钦佩俄罗斯领导人。 He warned of the dangers if Ukraine were to fall and noted that while Trump was tough on Putin during his presidency, some Republicans still admire the Russian leader.