巴基斯坦俾路支省的农民担心作物损失, Farmers in Pakistan's Balochistan fear crop loss as water shortages hit the Kirthar Canal.
巴基斯坦俾路支省的农民担心信德省严重缺水,影响Kirthar运河,造成作物广泛毁坏。 Farmers in Balochistan, Pakistan, fear widespread crop destruction due to a severe water shortage from Sindh, affecting the Kirthar Canal. Sukkur路段的水位下降,对拉比季节的作物造成异常影响。 The water level at the Sukkur Barrage has dropped, impacting the Rabi season's crops unusually. 农民协会指控信德省灌溉部故意造成水短缺,并要求官员立即采取行动恢复供水。 The farmers' association accuses Sindh's Irrigation Department of deliberately causing the shortage and demands immediate action from officials to restore water supply.