印度奥迪沙的季节性暴雨毁坏了稻田作物,使数以千计的农民感到痛苦。 Unseasonal rain in Odisha, India, damages paddy crops, distressing thousands of farmers.
印度奥迪沙南部和沿海地区的季节性暴雨破坏了露天和收获的稻田作物,使数以千计的农民感到痛苦。 Unseasonal rain in southern and coastal areas of Odisha, India, has damaged both standing and harvested paddy crops, distressing thousands of farmers. 孟加拉湾的萧条造成的暴雨使农民难以收获作物,造成潜在损失。 The heavy rainfall, caused by a depression in the Bay of Bengal, has made it difficult for farmers to harvest their crops, leading to potential losses. 州政府承诺评估损害情况,并向受影响的农民提供赔偿。 The state government has promised to assess the damage and provide compensation to the affected farmers.