一只斑马在Colchester动物园死亡 在他们共同栖息地与犀牛碰面后 A zebra died at Colchester Zoo after an encounter with a rhino in their shared habitat.
一只斑马在Colchester动物园死亡 在一次与犀牛发生事故后 在他们混合的非洲栖息地 A zebra died at Colchester Zoo after an incident with a rhino in their mixed species African habitat. 动物园指出,此类事件极为罕见,它们侧重于其他动物的福利。 The zoo stated that such incidents are extremely rare and they are focusing on the well-being of the other animals. 1月10日下午2点左右发生了这一事件,动物园将进行彻底调查。 The incident occurred around 2 pm on January 10, and the zoo will conduct a thorough investigation.