非洲大象索尼娅在卡拉奇的Safari公园死于呼吸系统问题、败血症和肺结核。 African elephant Sonia died from respiratory issues, sepsis, and tuberculosis at Karachi's Safari Park.
在卡拉奇的Safari公园死亡的非洲大象索尼娅(Sonia)的尸检显示,她死于呼吸道疾病、败血症和肺结核。 An autopsy of Sonia, an African elephant who died at Karachi's Safari Park, showed she died from respiratory diseases, sepsis, and tuberculosis. 该公园目前正在对其余两头大象及其看守进行健康检查。 The park is now conducting health checks on the remaining two elephants and their caretakers. 这一事件引发了与国际专家的协商,以改善在不到两年内另一头大象死亡后对动物的照料。 This incident has sparked consultations with international experts to improve animal care, following another elephant's death in less than two years.