在弗林特镇肇事逃逸中受重伤的妇女;警方寻找Ford Explorer嫌疑人。 Woman critically injured in Flint Township hit-and-run; police seek Ford Explorer suspect.
一名来自弗林特镇的44岁妇女于周三下午6点左右在阿诺卡路附近被一名肇事逃逸的司机击中后,身处危急状态。 A 44-year-old woman from Flint Township is in critical condition after being hit by a hit-and-run driver near Anoka Road on Wednesday around 6 PM. 据信可疑车辆是一辆黑暗的2011-2015年福特探险车,有前方烤架损坏。 The suspect vehicle is believed to be a dark 2011-2015 Ford Explorer with front grill damage. 弗林特镇警察局请求获得任何信息 并敦促证人匿名联系韦伯警探 或犯罪制止者 The Flint Township Police Department appeals for any information and urges witnesses to contact Detective Weber or Crime Stoppers anonymously.