联合国委员会指控澳大利亚在瑙鲁的寻求庇护者拘留中侵犯人权。 UN committee accuses Australia of human rights abuses in Nauru asylum seeker detention.
联合国人权事务委员会指控澳大利亚将寻求庇护者,包括未成年人,拘留在瑙鲁,甚至在给予他们难民地位后仍拘留在瑙鲁,从而侵犯了人权。 The UN Human Rights Committee has accused Australia of violating human rights by detaining asylum seekers, including minors, on Nauru even after granting them refugee status. 委员会认定,澳大利亚违反了《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》,要求给予赔偿,并防止今后再发生侵权行为。 The committee found that Australia breached the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and asked for compensation and prevention of future violations. 澳大利亚未对调查结果发表评论。 Australia has not commented on the findings.