澳大利亚政府应加强对人权的制裁, Australian government urged by HRW to strengthen human rights sanctions process, especially involving Asia and China.
人权观察社呼吁澳大利亚政府在参议院外交、国防和贸易参考委员会的审查中加强其人权制裁程序。 Human Rights Watch has called on the Australian government to enhance its human rights sanctions process amid a review by the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee. 本组织敦促加强与民间社会的接触,并更频繁地对参与严重侵犯人权的个人,特别是亚洲人,实施有针对性的制裁,如签证禁令和资产冻结。 The organization urges for stronger engagement with civil society and more frequent use of targeted sanctions, such as visa bans and asset freezes, against individuals involved in serious human rights abuses, particularly in Asia. 值得注意的是,报告强调了参与侵权行为的中国官员的疏漏。 Notably, it highlights omissions regarding Chinese officials implicated in violations.