研究对灭绝理论提出了挑战,认为短面袋鼠的饮食是多种多样的,人类猎人对气候变化有牵连。 (89字符) Study challenges extinction theory, suggesting short-faced kangaroos' diet was diverse, implicating human hunters over climate change. (89 characters)
" 科学 " 的一项新研究质疑了这样一种信念,即由于上一个冰河时期饮食有限,短面袋鼠已经灭绝。 A new study in Science challenges the belief that short-faced kangaroos went extinct due to a limited diet during the last ice age. 研究人员通过分析化石牙齿 发现这些袋鼠吃了叶子和草 使它们适应不断变化的环境 By analyzing fossil teeth, researchers found these kangaroos ate both leaves and grass, making them adaptable to changing environments. 这表明大约40 000年前它们的灭绝可能比气候变化更与人类猎人有关。 This suggests their extinction around 40,000 years ago may be more linked to human hunters than climate change.