澳大利亚的鳄鱼体温由于气候变化而上升,影响他们的行为和生存。 Crocodile body temps in Australia rise due to climate change, impacting their behavior and survival.
研究人员发现,澳大利亚北部的鳄鱼由于气候变化而体温升高,影响到它们的行为和生存。 Researchers found that crocodiles in northern Australia are experiencing higher body temperatures due to climate change, impacting their behavior and survival. 超过15年,203只鱼的平均体温增加了0.11°C,自2008年以来,最高体温上升了0.5°C. Over 15 years, the median body temperature of 203 crocodiles increased by 0.11°C, with peak temperatures rising by 0.5°C since 2008. 这种变暖影响他们的狩猎、游泳和生殖能力。 This warming affects their hunting, swimming, and reproduction abilities. 虽然鳄鱼通过寻求树荫和潜水来适应变化,但它们的性能在温度超过31-33摄氏度时会下降。 While crocodiles adapt by seeking shade and diving, their performance decreases at temperatures above 31-33°C. 这项研究强调需要了解鳄鱼如何在较冷的地区应付变暖。 The study highlights the need to understand how crocodiles cope with warming in cooler regions.