锡克族慈善组织的共同创始人因盗窃近50 000英镑而被监禁,用资金用于个人债务。 Sikh charity co-founder jailed for stealing nearly £50,000, used funds for personal debts.
Rajbinder Kaur(55岁)因在2016年与兄弟Kaldip Singh Lehal(Kaldip Singh Lehal)共同创办的慈善组织英国锡克青年(英国)偷窃近5万英镑而入狱2年零8个月。 Rajbinder Kaur, 55, was jailed for 2 years and 8 months for stealing nearly £50,000 from Sikh Youth UK, a charity she co-founded with her brother, Kaldip Singh Lehal, in 2016. Kaur利用被盗资金支付个人开支和还债,将钱藏在50多个账户中。 Kaur used the stolen funds for personal expenses and to pay off debts, hiding the money across over 50 accounts. Lehal被判处缓刑4个月。 Lehal received a four-month suspended sentence. 慈善委员会由于缺乏信息而关闭了该慈善机构的登记投标,从而导致调查。 The Charity Commission closed the charity's registration bid due to lack of information, leading to the investigation.