由于附近野火造成的空气质量差,Santa Anita赛道推迟了赛跑。 Santa Anita racetrack postpones races due to poor air quality from nearby wildfires.
Arcadia的Santa Anita赛车场将星期五的全种赛跑推迟到1月16日星期四, Santa Anita racetrack in Arcadia has postponed its Friday thoroughbred races to Thursday, Jan. 16, due to poor air quality from the Eaton fire and other fires in LA County. 根据空气质量,早间培训在随后几天被取消并被削减。 Morning training was canceled and curtailed on subsequent days based on air quality. 该赛道正在向工人提供面具和眼罩,并向撤离马匹的训练员提供财政援助。 The track is providing masks and eyewear to workers and financial aid to trainers to evacuate horses. 星期六比赛的决定将在星期五作出,计划在下周的星期四至星期天进行比赛。 The decision to race on Saturday will be made on Friday, with planned racing from Thursday to Sunday the following week.