Santa Anita看到来自北加州的马涌入, 影响种族动态和赌博策略。 Santa Anita sees influx of horses from Northern California, affecting race dynamics and betting strategies.
Santa Anita正面临挑战, 因为在赛道关闭和取消赛事后, 北加州的马匹大量涌入。 Santa Anita is facing a challenge due to an influx of horses from Northern California after track closures and race cancellations. 赌博者在赌注这些新来者时,需要考虑诸如班级、健身、骑师和教练等因素。 Bettors need to consider factors like class, workouts, jockeys, and trainers when betting on these newcomers. 尽管级别较低,但低级别种族中后期最受欢迎的人正在赢得一半以上的时间,带来潜在的利润。 Despite lower class levels, post-time favorites in lower-level races are winning more than half the time, offering potential profits. 对Santa Anita赛车质量的影响仍不确定。 The impact on the quality of racing at Santa Anita remains uncertain.