NSW 18ft Skiff锦标赛首日因暴风雨被取消; NSW 18ft Skiff Championship's first day canceled due to severe storm; event now six races over three Sundays.
新南威尔士18ft Skiff 锦标赛的第一天被取消, 原因是暴风雨大雨和冰雹, 削弱了悉尼港湾的可见度。 The first day of the NSW 18ft Skiff Championship was canceled due to a severe storm with heavy rain and hail, reducing visibility on Sydney Harbour. 该赛事由六场赛跑组成, 每队都能够降低最差的表演成绩。 The event will now consist of six races over the next three Sundays, with each team able to drop their worst performance. 旁观者渡船每赛日下午2点从双湾公共码头出发 Spectator ferries will depart from Double Bay Public Wharf at 2 pm each racing day.