RINL金属公司计划向南盟国家扩展,以满足不断增长的基础设施需求。 RINL Metals plans to expand into SAARC countries to meet rising infrastructure needs.
印度钢铁公司RINL金属公司计划向南盟国家扩展,重点是尼泊尔和斯里兰卡,以满足日益增长的基础设施需求。 RINL Metals, an Indian steel company, plans to expand into SAARC countries, focusing on Nepal and Sri Lanka, to meet growing infrastructure demands. 该公司以质量和高制造标准著称,也将扩大在印度各州的业务。 The company, known for its quality and high manufacturing standards, will also expand its operations in various Indian states. RINL 致力于追求卓越和创新战略,旨在成为南盟地区领先的钢铁供应商。 RINL aims to become a leading steel supplier in the SAARC region with its commitment to excellence and innovative strategies.