警方调查卡尔加里一个摩门教教堂蓄意纵火事件, Police investigate an intentionally set fire at a Mormon church in Calgary, suspecting a hate crime.
据报告,星期四清晨,卡尔加里西南部的摩门教堂发生火灾。 A fire was reported early Thursday morning at a Mormon church in southwest Calgary. 虽然最初没有可见的火灾迹象,但发现里面有一道小火把地毯弄坏。 Though initially no visible signs of fire were seen, a small blaze that damaged a carpet was found inside. 警察相信是故意放火的,而仇恨犯罪股则与消防局一起参与调查。 Police believe the fire was intentionally set, and the hate crimes unit is involved in the investigation alongside the fire department. 当局正在要求公众帮助寻找责任者。 Authorities are asking for public help in finding those responsible.