堪萨斯市教堂的火灾导致一人死亡;原因和身份正在调查之中。 Vacant Kansas City church fire leads to one death; cause and identity under investigation.
堪萨斯市的一座空置教堂周六清晨起火,导致一人死亡。 A vacant church in Kansas City caught fire early Saturday morning, leading to one death. 消防员对2点15分左右的烟雾和火灾报道作出反应,在火焰熄灭后发现一具尸体在里面。 Firefighters responded to reports of smoke and fire around 2:15 a.m. and found a body inside after extinguishing the flames. 堪萨斯市消防局和警察局正在调查火灾原因和受害人的身份。 The cause of the fire and the victim's identity are under investigation by the Kansas City Fire Department and Police Department. 正在对导致逮捕的情报给予奖励。 A reward is being offered for information leading to an arrest.