信德省首席部长签署备忘录,在巴基斯坦公立大学提供1 000份谷歌奖学金,优先考虑女生和信息技术技能。 Sindh Chief Minister signs MoU for 1,000 Google scholarships at Pakistani public universities, prioritizing female students and IT skills.
信德省首席部长Syed Murad Ali Shah与Tech Valley签署了一份谅解备忘录,在巴基斯坦10所公立大学提供1 000份谷歌奖学金。 Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah signed an MoU with Tech Valley for 1,000 Google scholarships at 10 public universities in Pakistan. 该倡议旨在提供信息技术认证,使学生具备在全球竞争的能力,并促进国家的技术发展。 The initiative aims to provide IT certifications, equipping students to compete globally and contribute to the nation's technological growth. 其中一半奖学金是针对女生的,方案的重点是电子营销、人工智能、动画和网络设计技能。 Half of these scholarships are for female students, and the program focuses on e-marketing, AI, animation, and web design skills.