在不列颠哥伦比亚维多利亚省增加了72个新的住房空间,在两年内投资200万美元,以安置无家可归者。 72 new shelter spaces added in Victoria, BC, with $2M investment over two years, to accommodate homeless individuals.
正在不列颠哥伦比亚维多利亚省现有服务中增加72个新的住房空间,以更好地容纳无家可归的人。 72 new shelter spaces are being added to existing services in Victoria, BC, to better accommodate individuals experiencing homelessness. 住房部长Ravi Kahlon宣布了这一倡议,包括与加拿大结束无家可归现象联盟合作,在未来两年投资200万美元。 Housing Minister Ravi Kahlon announced this initiative, including a $2 million investment over the next two years in partnership with the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness. Victoria Mayor Marianne Alto呼吁周边城市合作制定有针对性的解决方案,以解决其社区的无家可归问题。 Victoria Mayor Marianne Alto called on surrounding municipalities to collaborate on tailored solutions for addressing homelessness in their communities.