奥克兰Middlemore医院的病人袭击护士,使其精神受到创伤,促使人们呼吁加强安全。 Nurse attacked and traumatized by patient at Auckland's Middlemore Hospital, prompting calls for better security.
奥克兰Middlemore医院的一名护士遭到一名被警察带进来的病人的袭击和创伤。 A nurse at Auckland's Middlemore Hospital was attacked and traumatized by a patient who was brought in by police. 袭击者是一名23岁的男子,被控企图勒死他。 The attacker, a 23-year-old man, was charged with attempted strangulation. 这一事件是继另一次攻击事件之后发生的,一名护士因刺伤住院治疗。 This incident follows another attack where a nurse was hospitalized with stab wounds. Middlemore医院是接受额外安保资金的8个医院之一,面临工作人员要求加强安保措施的呼吁,他们报告说在袭击发生时缺乏安保。 Middlemore Hospital, one of eight receiving extra security funding, faces calls for enhanced security measures from staff who reported a lack of security at the time of the attack.