尼日利亚法院允许对10名与 " 博科哈拉姆 " 组织计划牢房有关的嫌疑人进行60天拘留。 Nigerian court allows 60-day detention of 10 suspects linked to planned Boko Haram cell.
一个尼日利亚法院已准许国家事务部将10名嫌疑人拘留60天,据称他们计划在奥松州设立博科哈拉姆基层组织。 A Nigerian court has granted the Department of State Services permission to detain ten suspects for 60 days, who are alleged to have planned to establish a Boko Haram cell in Osun state. 12月在Ilesa East LGA逮捕了涉嫌参与恐怖集团的嫌疑人。 The suspects were arrested in December in Ilesa East LGA on suspicion of involvement with the terrorist group. 法院将此案延期至3月3日,以进一步提及。 The court adjourned the case until March 3 for further mention.