尼日利亚将5名涉嫌协助与Bello Turji有联系的恐怖团伙的嫌疑人提审。 Nigeria to arraign five suspects for aiding a terrorist group linked to Bello Turji.
星期一,尼日利亚联邦政府将在阿布贾的一个联邦高级法院上,将5名与Bello Turji有联系的恐怖分子嫌疑人提审。 On Monday, Nigeria's Federal Government will arraign five suspected terrorists linked to Bello Turji at a Federal High Court in Abuja. 这些被尼日利亚安全部队逮捕的嫌疑人被指控向恐怖主义团体提供物质支持,包括毒品、食品、制服和建筑材料等用品。 The suspects, arrested by Nigerian security forces, are accused of providing material support to terrorist groups, including supplies like drugs, food, uniforms, and building materials. 他们还被指控协助恐怖主义,从利比亚提供一辆军用持枪卡车,并向图尔吉集团成员提供医疗援助。 They are also charged with aiding terrorism by supplying a military gun truck from Libya and providing medical assistance to members of Turji's group.