尼日利亚法院下令对尼日利亚监狱中被指控犯有网络犯罪的109名外国人进行还押。 Nigerian court orders remand of 109 foreigners accused of cybercrimes in Nigerian prisons.
阿布贾联邦高等法院下令在尼日利亚监狱还押109名来自中国、印度尼西亚、越南和巴西等国的外国国民,他们被指控犯有网络犯罪和洗钱罪。 A Federal High Court in Abuja ordered the remand of 109 foreign nationals from countries including China, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Brazil, accused of cybercrimes and money laundering, in Nigerian prisons. 嫌犯在阿布贾被捕,据称他们经营一个欺诈性的赌博平台。 The suspects were arrested in Abuja for allegedly operating a fraudulent gaming platform. 法院休庭至11月29日,以处理指控表方面的问题,并从大使馆获得旅行证件。 The court adjourned the case until November 29 to address issues with the charge sheet and to obtain travel documents from their embassies.