梅西百货将于 3 月关闭其费城 Wanamaker 商店,这是美国 65 家关闭的商店之一。 Macy's will close its Philadelphia Wanamaker store in March, among 65 U.S. store closures.
梅西计划在三月关闭费城Wanamaker大楼的三层历史商店, 这是关闭全美65座商店的大计划的一部分。 Macy's plans to close its historic three-story store in Philadelphia's Wanamaker building in March, part of a larger plan to shut 65 stores across the U.S. 瓦纳梅克大楼是国家历史标志大楼,其头三层楼可能重新用于多个零售商,而上层楼则可以改建为住宅。 The Wanamaker building, a National Historic Landmark, may see its first three floors repurposed for multiple retailers, while upper floors could be converted into residences. 尽管商店关闭,该大楼的历史内地,包括其著名的鹰雕和器官,仍受到费城历史委员会的保护。 Despite the store's closure, the building's historic interior, including its famous eagle statue and organ, is protected by the Philadelphia Historical Commission.