巴尔的摩县以 $6.5M 的价格购买了位于 Security Square Mall 的前梅西百货地块,计划进行混合用途重建。 Baltimore County buys former Macy's site at Security Square Mall for $6.5M, plans mixed-use redevelopment.
巴尔的摩县已经用650万美元购买了Macy在Security Square Mall的百货商店, Baltimore County has bought the Macy's department store at Security Square Mall for $6.5 million, planning to redevelop the site into a mixed-use area with green spaces and entertainment options. 梅西的店要关门了 这是66个全国关闭的店之一 Macy's is closing its store, one of 66 nationwide closures. 该郡现在拥有该商场88英亩土地中的39英亩,并正在将这块地租回Macy那里,直到关闭为止。 The county now owns 39 of the mall's 88 acres and is leasing the space back to Macy's until its closure. 目的是吸引与该州振兴该地区的愿景相一致的私人开发商。 The goal is to attract private developers aligned with the county’s vision for revitalizing the area.