九 亚洲指数发布2H 2024审查,显示加密货币类别稳定但市场上限变化。 IX Asia Indexes releases 2H 2024 review, showing stable cryptocurrency categories but market cap shifts.
九 亚洲指数公布了DACICSQ系统2H 2024审查,该系统将数字资产分类为加密资产和资产后背 Tokens。 IX Asia Indexes released the 2H 2024 review for its DAICS® system, which classifies digital assets into Cryptocurrencies and Asset Backed Tokens. 审查显示,5个工业和16个加密部门没有变化,9个硬币标有“绿色”用于可持续性。 The review shows no changes to the 5 industries and 16 sectors for Cryptocurrencies, with 9 coins labeled "Green" for sustainability. 按市场资本化计算,前50枚硬币增加了5枚,清除了6枚。 The top 50 coins by market capitalization saw 5 additions and 6 removals. 九 亚洲指数尚未对资产回溯 Tokens进行分类,这些资产仅占市场的0.106%。 IX Asia Indexes has not yet classified Asset Backed Tokens, which make up only 0.106% of the market. 更改于2025年1月17日开始生效。 Changes take effect on January 17, 2025.