新加坡发放了13个新的数字资产许可证,取代了香港作为加密中心的地位。 Singapore overtakes Hong Kong as a crypto hub by issuing 13 new digital asset licenses.
2024年,新加坡颁发了13份数字资产许可证,比上一年翻了一番多,从而超越了香港的竞争,成为主要的加密货币中心。 In 2024, Singapore surpassed Hong Kong in the competition to become a major cryptocurrency hub by issuing 13 digital asset licenses, more than double the previous year's number. 这包括大型交易所,如OKX和Upbit的许可证。 This includes licenses for major exchanges like OKX and Upbit. 相形之下,香港的进展较慢,监管较严格,审批较少,使新加坡对寻求在亚洲长期存在的数字资产公司更具吸引力。 In contrast, Hong Kong's progress has been slower, with stricter regulations and fewer approvals, making Singapore more attractive for digital asset firms seeking a long-term presence in Asia.