前纽约市市长鲁迪·朱利亚尼因被控诽谤格鲁吉亚选举工作人员而面临藐视法庭听证会。 Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani faces contempt hearing over alleged defamation of Georgia election workers.
纽约市前市长鲁迪·朱利安尼 (Rudy Giuliani) 周五面临联邦法院听证会,法官将考虑认定他藐视法庭,因为他涉嫌继续诽谤两名佐治亚州选举工作人员鲁比·弗里曼 (Ruby Freeman) 和沙耶·莫斯 (Shaye Moss),尽管 2023 年做出了 1.48 亿美元的诽谤判决。 Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani faces a federal court hearing on Friday where a judge will consider holding him in contempt for allegedly continuing to defame two Georgia election workers, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, despite a $148 million defamation judgment in 2023. 工人声称,朱利亚尼关于他们参与选举欺诈的虚假陈述对他们造成重大伤害。 The workers claim Giuliani's false statements about their involvement in election fraud have caused them significant harm. 朱利亚尼的律师辩称,他的行为是善意的,无意违反法院的命令。 Giuliani's attorneys argue he acted in good faith and did not intend to violate court orders. 如果被裁定犯有藐视法庭罪,朱利亚尼可能会受到额外的法律惩罚。 If found in contempt, Giuliani could face additional legal penalties.