两名前佐治亚州选举工作人员寻求驳回鲁迪朱利安尼的破产申请,以收取 1.48 亿美元的诽谤赔偿。 2 ex-Georgia election workers seek dismissal of Rudy Giuliani's bankruptcy to collect $148m defamation award.
两名前佐治亚州选举工作人员赢得了针对鲁迪朱利安尼的 1.48 亿美元诽谤诉讼,他们正在寻求驳回他的破产案,因为他们声称这可能会妨碍他们收取判决金额的努力。 Two former Georgia election workers, who won a $148m defamation judgment against Rudy Giuliani, are seeking to have his bankruptcy case dismissed, as they claim it may hinder their efforts to collect the awarded amount. 朱利安尼的破产引起了包括选举工作人员在内的债权人的关注,他们担心朱利安尼的财务状况可能会影响他们获得付款的能力。 Giuliani's bankruptcy has drawn attention from his creditors, including the election workers, who are concerned that his financial situation may impact their ability to receive payment.