在爱尔兰科克,5名男子因暴力骚乱被捕;1人被指控,缴获武器。 Five men were arrested in Cork, Ireland, for violent disorder; one is charged, weapons seized.
在1月6日针对暴力骚乱事件的突袭之后,5名男子在爱尔兰科克被捕,这些男子年龄在十几岁到二十年代初。 Five men, aged late teens to early 20s, were arrested in Cork, Ireland, following raids targeting violent disorder incidents on January 6th. 国家警察与武装支助股一起搜查了4处财产,并缴获了大量武器。 Gardaí, with the Armed Support Unit, searched four properties and seized a significant amount of weapons. 一名男子被指控并准备出庭。 One man has been charged and is set to appear in court. 对暴力事件和相关犯罪活动的调查继续进行。 The investigation into the violent incidents and related criminal activities continues.