在北科克因犯罪损害和暴力骚乱而逮捕3名男子; 没有指控被释放,3支枪支被查获,正在进行调查. 3 men arrested in north Cork for criminal damage and violent disorder; released without charge, 3 firearms seized, ongoing investigations.
三名男子因参与刑事破坏和暴力骚乱而在北科尔克被捕,他们未经起诉获释。 Three men arrested in north Cork for their involvement in criminal damage and violent disorder have been released without charge. 逮捕是在计划搜查Mallow和Charleville期间发生的,当局在那里缴获了三件火器和弹药。 The arrests occurred during planned searches in Mallow and Charleville, where authorities seized three firearms and ammunition. 调查正在进行之中,一份档案将提交给检察长进一步审议。 Investigations are ongoing, and a file will be submitted to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for further consideration.