在牙买加的海龟塔发生火灾,损坏了一所公寓,没有报告有人受伤。 Fire breaks out at Turtle Towers in Jamaica, damaging an apartment with no reported injuries.
牙买加圣安省奥乔里奥斯的海龟塔发生火灾,损坏了11层大楼九楼或十楼的公寓。 A fire broke out at Turtle Towers in Ocho Rios, St Ann, Jamaica, damaging an apartment on the ninth or tenth floor of the 11-story building. 当地消防部门于上午10时09分作出反应,控制了火势,没有报告任何伤亡。 The local fire departments responded at 10:09 am and contained the fire without any reported injuries or fatalities. 火灾原因和损害程度仍然不明。 The cause of the fire and the extent of the damage are still unknown. 与TPDC公司联系以获取进一步信息的努力没有成功。 Efforts to contact TPDCo for further information were unsuccessful.