武装入侵者在11月7日袭击了堪萨斯州一个建筑工地并捆绑了一名工人。 Armed intruders assaulted and tied up a worker at a Kansas construction site on Nov. 7.
11月7日,武装入侵者进入堪萨斯州奥拉特的建筑工地,捆绑并打伤一名雇员。 On November 7, armed intruders entered a construction site in Olathe, Kansas, tying up and injuring an employee. 警察控制了该地区,并向工人提供了医疗援助,他们的伤势没有生命危险。 Police secured the area and provided medical aid to the worker, whose injuries were not life-threatening. 在搜查仓库时没有发现嫌犯。 The suspects were not found during a search of the warehouse. Olathe警察局正在调查这一事件,当局正在要求公众提供信息。 The Olathe Police Department is investigating the incident, and authorities are seeking information from the public.