前任候选人和紫心受奖人Sam Brown被任命监督特朗普下属的VA国家墓地。 Ex-Senate candidate and Purple Heart recipient Sam Brown appointed to oversee VA national cemeteries under Trump.
当选总统唐纳德·特朗普任命前内华达州参议院候选人和退役陆军上尉萨姆·布朗为退伍军人事务部纪念事务副秘书。 Former Nevada Senate candidate and retired Army captain Sam Brown has been appointed by President-elect Donald Trump as the Under Secretary for Memorial Affairs at the Department of Veterans Affairs. 布朗是紫心勋章获得者,在参议院竞选中落败,他将监督 155 个弗吉尼亚州国家公墓并管理纪念项目。 Brown, a Purple Heart recipient who lost his Senate race, will oversee 155 VA national cemeteries and manage memorial programs. 特朗普称赞布朗为"美国英雄" 具有丰富的军事和商业背景 Trump praised Brown as an "American hero" with a strong background in military and business.