美国派遣边境巡逻队到亚美尼亚加强安全并签署伙伴关系章程。 US to send Border Patrol team to Armenia to boost security and sign partnership charter.
正如安东尼·布林肯国务卿所宣布的那样,美国计划向亚美尼亚派遣一个海关和边境巡逻队,以加强边界安全和维和能力。 The US plans to send a Customs and Border Patrol team to Armenia to enhance border security and peacekeeping capabilities, as announced by Secretary of State Antony Blinken. 该小组将与亚美尼亚对应方合作建设能力,加强安全合作。 The team will work with Armenian counterparts to build capacity and strengthen security cooperation. 这一行动与旨在支持亚美尼亚主权的《战略伙伴关系委员会宪章》的签署同时进行。 This move comes alongside the signing of a Strategic Partnership Commission Charter, aimed at supporting Armenia's sovereignty.