克拉克森预测2024年利润将超过预测,在高运费率的驱动下,至少达到115亿英镑。 Clarkson predicts 2024 profits to beat forecasts, reaching at least £115M, driven by high freight rates.
克拉克森是一家主要的航运服务公司,预计其2024年的利润将超过目前的市场预测,预计税前利润至少为1.15亿英镑,比去年的1.092亿英镑有所增加。 Clarkson, a major shipping services firm, expects its 2024 profits to exceed current market forecasts, projecting an underlying pre-tax profit of at least £115 million, up from £109.2 million last year. 高运费率和低供过于求风险助长了这种乐观情绪,尽管美国潜在关税的贸易风险和降低绿色奖励措施可能会影响集装箱需求。 This optimism is fueled by high freight rates and low oversupply risks, though trade risks from potential US tariffs and reduced green incentives could impact container demand. 公司股价随积极前景而激增。 The company's shares have surged on the positive outlook.