加拿大国会议员钱德拉·阿里亚(Chandra Arya)宣布了总理竞选,重点是经济和可负担性问题。 Canadian MP Chandra Arya announces bid for Prime Minister, focusing on economic and affordability issues.
加拿大国会议员钱德拉·阿里亚(Chandra Arya)已宣布要出任下一任总理, Canadian MP Chandra Arya has announced his bid to become the next Prime Minister, aiming to replace Justin Trudeau. 代表安大略省Nepean的Arya计划管理一个规模较小、效率更高的政府,并侧重于大胆的决定,以解决经济和可负担性问题。 Arya, who represents Nepean, Ontario, plans to run a smaller, more efficient government and focus on bold decisions to address economic and affordability issues. 他是第二位自由党候选人, 包括Mark Carney和Chrystia Freeland等人, 传言他们正在考虑竞选。 He is the second Liberal candidate, with others like Mark Carney and Chrystia Freeland rumored to be considering running. 该党将很快最后敲定领导竞选的规则。 The party is set to finalize rules for the leadership race soon.