在Kirbyville高中,在校园中发现一把装满子弹的枪后,两名青少年被逮捕。 Two juveniles were arrested at Kirbyville High School after a loaded gun was found on campus.
在Kirbyville中学发现一把装满子弹的枪后,两名青少年被捕。 Two juveniles were arrested after a loaded gun was found at Kirbyville High School. 学校被封锁是作为一种预防措施,但它不是一个活跃的射击场景。 The school was locked down as a precaution, but it was not an active shooter situation. Kirbyville警察局和Jasper县警察局的警官 找到了武器,正在调查 Officers from the Kirbyville Police and Jasper County Sheriff's Department recovered the weapon and are investigating. 父母得到通知,学生提前被释放。 Parents were notified and students were released early.