在孟菲斯Chimneyrock小学发现一把枪,导致一名学生被拘留和纪律处分。 A gun was found at Chimneyrock Elementary School, Memphis, leading to a student's detention and disciplinary actions.
星期一在孟菲斯的Chimneyrock小学发现一把枪,导致一名学生被警察拘留。 A gun was found at Chimneyrock Elementary School in Memphis on Monday, leading to the detention of a student by police. 据报该事件发生在下午1时左右,武器被没收,没有受伤。 The incident was reported around 1 p.m., and the weapon was confiscated without any injuries. Memphis-Shelby县学校说,该学生面临纪律处分,被学校开除,敦促家长检查其子女的背包。 Memphis-Shelby County Schools stated that the student faced disciplinary actions and was removed from the school, urging parents to check their children's backpacks. 没有透露学生或火器的进一步详情。 No further details about the student or the firearm were disclosed.