两名克拉克斯顿高中学生在校园内发现武器后被捕,导致封锁。 Two Clarkston High School students were arrested after a weapon was found on campus, leading to a lockdown.
DeKalb县Clarkston高中的两名学生于星期五在校园内发现武器后被捕。 Two students from Clarkston High School in DeKalb County were arrested on Friday after a weapon was discovered on campus. 学校被关闭,但Pattie Lemelle校长向家长保证,学校工作人员和DeKalb县学校区警察迅速和专业地处理了这一情况。 The school went into lockdown, but Principal Pattie Lemelle assured parents that the situation was handled quickly and professionally by school staff and the DeKalb County School District Police. 学生现在面临法律和惩戒行动。 The students now face both legal and disciplinary actions.