在一架从纽约飞往佛罗里达州的捷蓝航空飞机的起落架上发现了两具尸体。 Two bodies were found in the landing gear of a JetBlue plane that flew from New York to Florida.
两人被发现死在一架从纽约市起飞后降落在劳德代尔堡-好莱坞国际机场的捷蓝航空航班的起落架舱内。 Two individuals were found dead in the landing gear compartment of a JetBlue flight that landed in Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport after departing from New York City. 航空公司和当局正在调查这些人是如何进入飞机的。 The airline and authorities are investigating how the individuals accessed the aircraft. 这一事件凸显了试图偷渡的危险,包括缺氧、极端温度和压力变化的风险。 This incident highlights the dangers of attempting to stow away, including risks of oxygen deprivation, extreme temperatures, and pressure changes.