在劳德代尔堡机场的捷蓝航空飞机的轮舱中发现两具尸体;调查正在进行中。 Two bodies found in a JetBlue plane's wheel well at Fort Lauderdale airport; investigation underway.
一架捷蓝航空飞机从纽约降落在佛罗里达州的劳德代尔堡-好莱坞国际机场后,在起落架舱内发现了两具尸体。 Two bodies were found in the landing gear compartment of a JetBlue aircraft after it landed at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport in Florida from New York. 这些人的身份以及他们如何进入飞机正在调查中。 The identities of the individuals and how they accessed the aircraft are under investigation. 这是一个月内第二次发生此类事件。 This is the second such incident in a month. 捷蓝航空正在与当局合作,以了解发生了什么。 JetBlue is cooperating with authorities to understand what happened.