苏格兰警方在 Kingussie 附近追捕两只逃跑的猞猁;公众警告不要接近。 Police in Scotland hunt for two escaped lynx near Kingussie; public warned not to approach.
苏格兰警方正在寻找在 Kingussie 附近发现的两只猞猁,怀疑是非法释放的。 Police in Scotland are searching for two lynx that were spotted near Kingussie, suspected to have been illegally released. Cairngorms国家公园管理局和苏格兰警察正在与高地野生动物公园合作,追踪动物。 The Cairngorms National Park Authority and Police Scotland are working with the Highland Wildlife Park to track the animals. 当局警告公众不要接近猞猁,由于它们害羞的天性,它们对人类构成的风险很低,并敦促向警方报告任何目击事件。 Authorities warn the public not to approach the lynx, which pose a low risk to humans due to their shy nature, and urge reporting any sightings to the police.