在南本德检察官办公室发现的装有白色粉末的包裹导致地面疏散;粉末被认为无害。 Package with white powder found at South Bend Prosecutor's Office leads to floor evacuation; powder deemed harmless.
在南本德县市大楼检察官办公室发现了一个装有白色粉末的包裹,导致6楼于星期三上午11时30分前后疏散。 A package containing white powder was found at the Prosecutor's Office in South Bend's County-City Building, leading to the evacuation of the 6th floor around 11:30 a.m. Wednesday. HAZMAT小组在测试后确定粉末没有构成任何威胁。 The HAZMAT team determined the powder posed no threat after testing it. 一人被送往医院评估,但原因不清楚。 One person was taken to the hospital for evaluation, though the reason was unclear. 后来重新开放了会议室。 The floor was later reopened.