在West Hartford USPS截获可疑的白粉信封,这是全国调查的一部分。 Suspicious white-powder envelope intercepted at West Hartford USPS; part of nationwide investigation.
在康涅狄格州康涅狄格州威斯特哈特福德的USPS设施截获了一个含有白粉的可疑信封。 A suspicious envelope containing white powder was intercepted at a West Hartford, Connecticut USPS facility. 这起事件是联邦调查局和美国 参与的更广泛调查的一部分 This incident is part of a broader investigation involving the FBI and U.S. 邮政检查处,在全国各选举办公室接到类似信封的报告之后。 Postal Inspection Service, after similar envelopes were reported at election offices nationwide. 信封已经送到国家实验室分析 The envelope has been sent to a state lab for analysis. 康涅狄格州官员强调防备和迅速应对这些威胁的重要性。 Connecticut officials emphasize the importance of preparedness and prompt response to such threats.