阿曼庆祝其进步, 苏丹在2025年1月11日的学生节上掌权。 Oman celebrates its progress and the Sultan's reign at a student festival on January 11, 2025.
据了解,阿曼的新兴文艺学生节将于2025年1月11日在马斯喀特举行,以纪念海萨姆·本·塔里克苏丹五年的统治和阿曼的进步. Oman's Renewed Renaissance student festival, set for January 11, 2025, in Muscat, will honor Sultan Haitham bin Tarik's five-year reign and Oman's progress. 这次活动由全国庆祝活动总秘书处组织,有来自阿曼各地的8 000人参加,重点宣传教育、国家成就、文化遗产与和平。 Organized by the General Secretariat for National Celebrations, the event features 8,000 participants from across Oman, highlighting education, national achievements, cultural heritage, and peace. 结束时向海瑟姆苏丹致敬,强调忠诚与感恩. It concludes with a tribute to Sultan Haitham, emphasizing loyalty and gratitude.