卡塔尔的乌姆Salal冬季节于11月21日启动, Qatar's Umm Salal Winter Festival launches November 21, promoting local agriculture and farmers' products.
卡塔尔2024年11月21日开始的乌姆Salal冬季节将展示本地产品, 如日期、蜂蜜和水果, 直至2025年2月19日。 The Umm Salal Winter Festival, starting November 21, 2024, in Qatar, will showcase local products like dates, honey, and fruits until February 19, 2025. 节日由市政部和Hassad食品公司组织,旨在通过有关农业做法的展览和培训方案支持当地农民。 Organized by the Ministry of Municipality and Hassad Food Company, the festival aims to support local farmers through exhibitions and training programs on agricultural practices. 还将为“家庭项目家庭”提供展示产品的空间。 It will also feature a space for "Families of Home-Grown Projects" to display their products.