阿曼宣布1月12日为国庆假日, Oman declares January 12 a national holiday to mark Sultan Haitham bin Tarik's accession.
为了庆祝海萨姆·本·塔里克的登基日,阿曼宣布将2025年1月12日作为公共和私营部门的假日. Oman has declared January 12, 2025, as a public and private sector holiday to celebrate Sultan Haitham bin Tarik's Accession Day. 由苏丹人本人作出的这一决定 纪念他正式登上王位的那一天 This decision, made by the Sultan himself, honors the day he officially took the throne. 该节日为阿曼公民和居民提供了庆祝这一活动的机会,为这两个部门提供了一天的假期。 The holiday offers a chance for Omani citizens and residents to commemorate the event, providing a day off for both sectors.