NRAI起诉Zomato, Swigging 支持私人送粮应用程序, 声称它们创造了一个不公平的市场。 NRAI sues Zomato, Swiggy over private food delivery apps, claiming they create an unfair market.
印度国家餐厅协会 (NRAI) 正在对Zomato和Swiggy采取法律行动, The National Restaurant Association of India (NRAI) is taking legal action against Zomato and Swiggy over their private-label food delivery initiatives via apps like Blinkit Bistro and Swiggy Snacc. NRAI认为,这些举动破坏了市场中立性,损害了餐馆,造成了不公平的竞争环境。 The NRAI argues these moves violate marketplace neutrality and harm restaurants by creating an uneven playing field. 他们计划向监管机构提出申诉,寻求法律补救办法,以保护餐馆业的利益。 They plan to file complaints with regulators and pursue legal remedies to protect the interests of the restaurant industry.