印度餐馆团体以不公平竞争为由,寻求对Zomato和Swigige的私人食品标签进行监管。 Indian restaurant groups seek regulation against Zomato and Swiggy's private food labels, citing unfair competition.
印度的餐馆协会感到关切的是,食品运送巨头Zomato和Swigige正在进入私人标签食品运送业务,他们说这破坏了公平竞争,威胁到数以千计的餐馆。 Restaurant associations in India are concerned that food delivery giants Zomato and Swiggy are entering the private label food delivery business, which they say undermines fair competition and threatens thousands of restaurants. 协会认为,通过利用餐馆数据开发自己的产品,这些公司制造了不平等的竞争环境。 The associations argue that by using restaurant data to develop their own products, these companies create an uneven playing field. 他们正在推动采取管制行动,以解决对数据误用和食品安全标准的关切。 They are pushing for regulatory action to address concerns over data misuse and food safety standards. 印度旅馆和饭店协会联合会计划与商务部会晤,以解决这些问题。 The Federation of Hotel and Restaurant Associations of India plans to meet with the Ministry of Commerce to address these issues.